Archive | September, 2010

Sorry Dear Readers…

27 Sep

…but I had a relapse and am still sick.  I do have stories, and I will spill all soon!

Love, Esme

Wicked Wednesday

22 Sep

I caved!  But I just can’t resist this Meme…we all have a wicked side.  I found mine just over a year and a half ago…and I have been enjoying the fuck out of it ever since.  What story to choose?  Illicit affairs.  Sex marathons.  Ah, I’ve got it…

I would have written this much better today, but stand by it!  Many people have this fantasy, but I got to live it!

And by the way-go give some love to the Bad Girl Bloggers.  I fucking love it there.  Bitches say what they want, what’s not to love??

Love, Esme

What. The. Fuck.

17 Sep

Dear Readers,

After much consideration, and the musings of, (Go read it!  Awesome!) I decided to reopen my account over at  Now in the past I have tried this site, with some success.  I was hesitant, but I went for it.  And now, I can’t get off of it fast enough!

What the fuck are guys thinking these days?  So what if I am on a dating website?  So what if I decided to try a new avenue of meeting people?  Does my profile say “I am just here to find someone to fuck”?  Hell no it doesn’t!  Then why-IN THE HELL-am I getting repeated e-mails asking me for nude pictures??  And please tell me, if I do wind up giving you my phone number, why you are texting me the SAME DAMN THING???  Like I am going to go into my bedroom, lay down naked and get into some seductive pose, for someone I HAVE NEVER MET?  What the FUCK is up with the male population these days?

Whatever happened to the days of asking someone on a date?  Wining and dining?  I know we all have needs, but you are on some phenomenal drugs if you think “Let’s meet up and fuck” is getting you into my Victoria’s Secret panties.  That only turns me on if you are lucky enough to be dating me…and-YOU AREN’T.

I had finally had it with this phenomenon.  I have been texting someone lately, whom we will refer to as M, when this text popped up.

M: Send me a naughty pic

E: No

M: I would do it for you.

E: Who cares

M: Guess you aren’t that into me then

E: Got that right

And…I haven’t heard from him sense.  Good riddance, and GO FUCK YOURSELF

Love, Esme

I Am Still Lame…

14 Sep

Dear Readers,

I am so sorry I am so lame.  It is taking quite some time to recover from this.  But I have a few things in the works, so I will come back swinging!!

Love, Esme

Update On Yours Truly

3 Sep

Hello all in Blogland,

I have so much to write about, and so much to catch you guys up on.  I am still in my convalescence (always wanted to use that word) and for the most part can’t form a coherent thought, much less a paragraph that can make sense.  I try to write  little bit, but it doesn’t make much of an impression when I read it later on.

I am still feeling the effects of the meningitis.  I have been in and out of the hospital on quite a few occasions.  I have had some horrible mood swings.  Happy one minute, crying the next.  And this disease really couldn’t have come at a worse time.  I was supposed to start school this week, and have been unable to do so.  So, that hasn’t helped my mood swings much.  Brain swelling sucks.

Poor Nice Guy has been on the receiving end of my hysterical phone calls.  God bless him, he has handled it like a pro.  I really wish he lived closer…I truly miss him.  Doctor will send a text every once in a while asking how I am doing, but doesn’t seem to take much of an interest.  Not sure if that is fact or just my perception.  There is a new guy in the mix as well…let me see if I can get this across in a lucid manner!

Throughout all of my moves in the last 6 months, I have kept up my online dating profile.  I have made some friends off of it, and friends are never a bad thing.  About a week ago I received a message that said:

Hope you had a great day, Safety

I was a guest at the hospital that night, and wrote back:

I’ve had better, Esme

I have to say, I did not expect to hear back from Safety (so named due to his response when I asked what he did for a living).  But he surprised me.  He wrote back almost immediately.  After a few days of e-mailing, he offered up his phone number.  He assured me he wasn’t crazy, wasn’t a stalker, that he was a normal guy and wouldn’t texting (we could hold off on the phone calls until I was comfortable) be easier?  Since I am kinda heading back to my old-fashioned upbringing, I responded with my phone number.  I don’t make contact first.  I’m starting to take my Grandma’s words to heart.

5 minutes later my phone dings.  It’s Safety.  I actually got a little giddy.  When is the last time that happened?  Here is just a little bit of a background on Safety:

He is in his mid 30’s.  He used to be a firemedic, but now works in ‘safety’ (my guess is FBI, CIA-he can’t discuss his job/or he is a total bull-shitter).  He has an 11 year-old from a previous marriage.  He married his high school sweetheart, and was divorced 2 years later.  He hasn’t dated anyone seriously in 4 years.  He travels A LOT for his job, as in we won’t be able to meet face-to-face for 2 weeks.  He says he can choose not to travel, but has never met someone worth giving it up for.  He has sent me a couple of self-taken cell-phone pics, and if I had a type he would be it.  Dark hair, muscular with some meat on his bones, sexy smirk.  We will see what happens.  Like I said, we won’t be able to meet for a couple of weeks.  It could all fizzle out before then.

Well, my pain meds are kicking in, so I better sign off before I begin to ramble incoherently.   My docs say it could be two weeks to two months before I start to feel back to normal again.  I say normal is a relative term…but not having a headache every minute of the day would be nice…

Love, Esme